
Trippin Mad Dawg

Trippin Mad Dawg

True Neutral. As the name implies, the Trippin Mad Dawg is all about tripping opponents. Doggo animal companion grants more opportunities (such a good boi), while three levels into Sacred Huntsmaster increase the overall mayhem with Hunter Tactics and Tandem Trip. Requisite feats for maximizing CMB are included in the build: Trip, Greater Trip, Fury’s Fall, and Coordinated Maneuvers. Two-Weapon Fighting because, why not?

Starting Ability Scores
Strength 18 Intelligence 13
Dexterity 15 Wisdom 10
Constitution 15 Charisma 8
Athletics 20, Nature 13, Perception 20, Persuasion 20, Trickery 20
Level Class Bonus Class Features Selected Options
1 Mad Dog +1 Barbarian Proficiency, Fast Movement Animal Companion (Dog), Feat: Combat Expertise, Human Racial Feat: Two-Weapon Fighting
2 Mad Dog +2 Pack Tactics
3 Mad Dog +3 Danger Sense Feat: Trip
4 Mad Dog +4 Rage +1 Dexterity, Rage Power: Animal Fury
5 Mad Dog +5 Ferocious Fetch Feat: Combat Reflexes
6 Sacred Huntsmaster +5 Detect Magic, Enlarge, Inquisitor Proficiency, Orisons, Stern Gaze Gozreh (Plant); bless, expeditious retreat
7 Sacred Huntsmaster +6 Cunning Initiative, Improved Animal Companion Feat: Greater Trip; remove fear
8 Sacred Huntsmaster +7 Solo Tactics, Hunter Tactics +1 Strength, Teamwork Feat: Tandem Trip; cure light wounds
9 Mad Dog +8 Danger Sense +2 Feat: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
10 Mad Dog +9
11 Mad Dog +10 Feat: Coordinated Maneuvers, Rage Power: Lesser Beast Totem
12 Mad Dog +11 Danger Sense +3 +1 Strength
13 Mad Dog +12 Damage Reduction 1 Feat: Fury’s Fall
14 Mad Dog +13 Greater Rage
15 Mad Dog +14 Danger Sense +4 Feat: Outflank , Rage Power: Beast Totem
16 Mad Dog +15 Damage Reduction 2 +1 Strength
17 Mad Dog +16 Throat Cutter Feat: Blind Fight
18 Mad Dog +17 Danger Sense +5
19 Mad Dog +18 Damage Reduction 3 Feat: Double Slice, Rage Power: Greater Beast Totem
20 Mad Dog +19 Tireless Rage +1 Strength
tyrant, edict, black dragon breastplate, headband of inspired wisdom +6, cloak of the winter wolf, ring of protection +5, wind breath, belt of physical flow +6, manticore skin boots

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