
Lost Style Enthusiast

Lost Style Enthusiast

Chaotic Good. I have a strong fondness for the Archaeologist archetype. Its a bard whose hippie music abilities are substituted with chad rogue features, and retains access to versatile spells. Archaeologist’s Luck is even more wondrous with Lingering Performance. However from a mechanics prospective, Archaeologist offers nothing beyond the 18th level. For that reason I suggest starting two levels as an Aldori Defender for dueling sword and armor accessibility to ease the initial chapter.

Starting Ability Scores
Strength 10 Intelligence 12
Dexterity 18 Wisdom 10
Constitution 17 Charisma 10
Athletics 1, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Knowledge (World) 18, Lore (Nature) 1, Lore (Religion) 1, Mobility 3, Perception 20, Persuasion 20, Stealth 1, Trickery 20, Use Magic Device 20
Level Class Bonus Class Features Selected Options
1 Aldori Defender +1 Fighter Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency (Dueling Sword) Feat: Weapon Focus (Dueling Sword), Human Racial Feat: Slashing Grace (Dueling Sword), Bonus Combat Feat: Weapon Finesse
2 Aldori Defender +2 Bravery +1 Bonus Combat Feat: Aldori Dueling Mastery
3 Archaeologist +2 Bard Proficiency, Archaeologist’s Luck +1, Cantrips, Detect Magic Feat: Dodge; cure light wounds, remove fear
4 Archaeologist +3 Clever Explorer, Uncanny Dodge +1 Constitution; Bard Talent: Improved Unarmed Strike; unbreakable heart
5 Archaeologist +4 Danger Sense +1, Inspire Competence Feat: Crane Style; expeditious retreat
6 Archaeologist +5 heroism, mirror image
7 Archaeologist +5 Archaeologist’s Luck +2 Feat: Lingering Performance; cure moderate wounds
8 Archaeologist +6 Confident Explorer, Danger Sense +2, Evasion +1 Dexterity; Bard Talent: Combat Trick (Crane Wing); blur
9 Archaeologist +7 Feat: Combat Reflexes; vanish, displacement, haste
10 Archaeologist +8 communal delay poison
11 Archaeologist +8 Danger Sense +3 Feat: Crane Riposte; cure serious wounds
12 Archaeologist +9 Jack of All Trades +1 Dexterity; Bard Talent: Opportunist; sense vitals, dimension door, echolocation
13 Archaeologist +10 Archaeologist’s Luck +3 Feat: Piranha Strike; feather step, greater invisibility
14 Archaeologist +11 Danger Sense +4 freedom of movement
15 Archaeologist +11 Feat: Improved Critical (Dueling Sword); good hope, greater dispel magic, greater heroism
16 Archaeologist +12 +1 Dexterity; Bard Talent: Blinding Strike; rage, mass cure light wounds
17 Archaeologist +13 Danger Sense +5 Feat: Critical Focus; joyful rapture
18 Archaeologist +14 shield of dawn, brilliant inspiration, mass cure moderate wounds
19 Archaeologist +14 Archaeologist’s Luck +4 Feat: Toughness; remove curse, eyebite
20 Archaeologist +15 Danger Sense +6 +1 Dexterity; Bard Talent: Improved Evasion; summon monster vi
bloodhound, singing steel breastplate, headband of mental perfection +6, absolver’s cloak, great dreamer’s smile, ring of circumstances, bracers of deflection, charm of the deep waters, greater belt of perfect components, lightest touch, manticore skin boots

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