
DRG-ZR0 Grand Dragon

DRG-ZR0 Grand Dragon

Mass: 60 tons
Chassis: Nykvarn Type 58-66SH
Power Plant: Hermes 360 Extralight Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 64 kph
Maximum Speed: 97 kph
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: None
Armor: New Samarkand Kage Stealth with CASE
    1 Lord’s 2 Extended Range Particle Projector Cannon
    1 Telos DecaCluster Long Range Missile System
    1 Victory 23R Medium Laser
Manufacturer: Luthien Armor Works
    Primary Factory: Luthien
Communications System: Sipher CommSys 3 with Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting and Tracking System: Eagle Eye SY10-10 with Beagle Active Probe

“Type Zero” is an informal designation given to a special Grand Dragon modification seen during the Second Combine-Dominion War. When the DCMS recommissioned its arsenal of aging DRG-5K to confront the Clan Ghost Bear opposition, several dozen were selectively refurbished for reconnaissance roles. Though devastating at hit and run stratagems, the design’s combat potential was underestimated at the time of acquisition and never deployed in numbers significant enough to impact the overall conflict.

Tech Base: Inner Sphere [E/X-X-E-D]
Role: Skirmisher
Battle Value: 1,488
Cost: 14,721,280 C-Bills

Equipment                                                                 Mass
Internal Structure:                Endo Steel                               3
Engine:                              360 XL                               16.5
    Walking MP:                        6
    Running MP:                        9
    Jumping MP:                        0
Heat Sinks:                         15 [30]                                 5
Gyro:                                                                       4
Cockpit:                                                                    3
Armor Factor (Stealth):               160                                  10
                                   Internal             Armor
                                   Structure            Value
    Head                               3                  9
    Center Torso                      20                 27
    Center Torso (rear)                                  12
    L/R Torso                         14                 16
    L/R Torso (rear)                                      8
    L/R Arm                           10                 14
    L/R Leg                           14                 18

Weapons and Ammo                   Location           Critical            Mass
ER PPC                                RA                  3                 7
Guardian ECM Suite                    RT                  2                1.5
LRM 10                                CT                  2                 4
Ammo (LRM) 24                         LT                  2                 2
CASE                                  LT                 0.5                1
Beagle Active Probe                   LT                  2                1.5
Medium Laser                          LA                  1                 1
Stealth Armor                  RA/RT/RL/LT/LA/LL     2/2/2/2/2/2            -

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