
Dragon Axe Specialist

Dragon Axe Specialist

Lawful Neutral. Dovahkiin naal ok zin los vahriin. Wahdein vokul mahfaeraak ast vaal. Ahrk fin norok paal graan. Fodnust vok zin dro zaan. Dovahkiin fah hin kogaan mu draal! Huzrah nu kul do od wah aan bok. Lingrah vod, ahrk fin tey. Boziik fun do fin gein! Wo lost fron wah ney dov. Ahrk fin rey liik do jul. Voth aan su ley kwahro nit faal krein!

Starting Ability Scores
Strength 19 Intelligence 12
Dexterity 13 Wisdom 10
Constitution 14 Charisma 12
Athletics 7, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Perception 20, Trickery 20
Level Class Bonus Class Features Selected Options
1 Two-Handed Fighter +1 Fighter Proficiency Feat: Weapon Focus (Greataxe), Half-Elf Racial Feat: Skill Focus (Trickery), Bonus Combat Feat: Power Attack
2 Two-Handed Fighter +2 Strong Grip +1 Bonus Combat Feat: Cleave
3 Two-Handed Fighter +3 Overhand Chop Feat: Finishing Cleave
4 Two-Handed Fighter +4 +1 Strength; Bonus Combat Feat: Weapon Specialization (Greataxe)
5 Archaeologist +4 Bard Proficiency, Archaeologist’s Luck +1, Cantrips, Detect Magic Feat: Arcane Strike; expeditious retreat, remove fear
6 Dragon Disciple +4 Natural Armor Increase +1 Draconic Bloodline: Green Dragon
7 Dragon Disciple +5 Arcane Spellcasting, Strength +2, Dragon Bite Feat: Dodge, Bloodline Feat: Blind-Fight; feather step
8 Dragon Disciple +6 Breath Weapon +1 Strength; cure light wounds
9 Dragon Disciple +7 Natural Armor Increase +1, Strength +2 Feat: Armor Focus (Heavy Armor); heroism, rage
10 Two-Handed Fighter +8 Two-Handed Weapon Training 1
11 Two-Handed Fighter +9 Strong Grip +2 Feat: Improved Critical (Greataxe), Bonus Combat Feat: Critical Focus
12 Two-Handed Fighter +10 Backswing +1 Strength
13 Two-Handed Fighter +11 Feat: Greater Weapon Focus (Greataxe), Bonus Combat Feat: Improved Blind-Fight
14 Two-Handed Fighter +12 Two-Handed Weapon Training 2
15 Two-Handed Fighter +13 Strong Grip +3 Feat: Tiring Critical, Bonus Combat Feat: Greater Blind-Fighting
16 Two-Handed Fighter +14 Piledriver +1 Strength
17 Two-Handed Fighter +15 Feat: Greater Weapon Specialization (Greataxe), Bonus Combat Feat: Exhausting Critical
18 Two-Handed Fighter +16 Two-Handed Weapon Training 3
19 Two-Handed Fighter +17 Strong Grip +4 Feat: Critical Mastery, Bonus Combat Feat: Sickening Critical
20 Two-Handed Fighter +18 Greater Power Attack +1 Strength
vanquisher, onslaught, headband of mental perfection +6, cloak of resistance +6, amulet of natural armor +5, belt of physical form +6

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