
Defender of the Bear God

Defender of the Bear God

Neutral Evil. Melee damage build with divine spellcaster abilities for animal companion support. Capitalizes on experience points obtained via successful Persuasion and Trickery skill checks. Acquire a scythe from Oleg’s Trading Post (or take Jaethal’s) to leverage the most out of Power Attack. Weapon of choice is Thundering Claw of the Bear God, found on a corpse behind the portal in Giggling Hill.

Starting Ability Scores
Strength 18 Intelligence 10
Dexterity 14 Wisdom 13
Constitution 15 Charisma 10
Mobility 3, Nature 17, Perception 20, Persuasion 20, Trickery 20
Level Class Bonus Class Features Selected Options
1 Defender of the True World +0 Orisons, Detect Magic, Spellcasting, Nature Bond, Nature Sense, Spontaneous Summoning Animal Companion: Bear, Feat: Dodge, Bonus Feat: Power Attack
2 Defender of the True World +1
3 Defender of the True World +2 Feat: Extend Spell (Metamagic)
4 Defender of the True World +3 Resist Nature’s Lure, Wild Shape 1/day, Wild Shape (Wolf) +1 Constitution
5 Defender of the True World +3 Feat: Natural Spell
6 Defender of the True World +4 Wild Shape 2/day, Wild Shape (Leopard/Small Elemental)
7 Defender of the True World +5 Feat: Blind Fight
8 Defender of the True World +6 Wild Shape 3/day, Wild Shape (Bear/Medium Elemental) +1 Strength
9 Defender of the True World +6 Venom Immunity Feat: Weapon Focus (Claws)
10 Defender of the True World +7 Wild Shape 4/day, Wild Shape (Smilodon/Shambling Mound/Large Elemental)
11 Defender of the True World +8 Feat: Improved Critical (Claws)
12 Defender of the True World +9 Wild Shape 5/day, Wild Shape (Huge Elemental) +1 Strength
13 Defender of the True World +9 Feat: Critical Focus
14 Defender of the True World +10 Wild Shape 6/day
15 Defender of the True World +11 Feat: Weapon Focus (Scimitar)
16 Defender of the True World +12 Wild Shape 7/day +1 Strength
17 Defender of the True World +12 Feat: Improved Critical (Scimitar)
18 Defender of the True World +13 Wild Shape 8/day
19 Defender of the True World +14 Feat: Toughness
20 Defender of the True World +15 +1 Strength
thundering claw of the bear god, black dragon breastplate, heart of thunder, headband of mental perfection +6, cloak of the winter wolf, great dreamer’s smile, ring of circumstances, bracers of armor +8, amulet of mighty fists +5, belt of physical perfection +8, manticore’s claws, manticore skin boots

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