
CGR-5A Charger

CGR-5A Charger

Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: Alshain Class 92
Power Plant: Hermes 400 Extralight Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Jump Jets: Lexington Ltd. Lifters
    Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: New Samarkand Kage Stealth
    5 Lord’s Light 4 Light Particle Projector Cannons
Manufacturer: Luthien Armor Works
    Primary Factory: Luthien
Communications System: Tek BattleCom with Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting and Tracking System: Dalban HiRez

The pursuit to redeem the much maligned Charger is an endeavor that continues to challenge the greatest military manufacturers of the Inner Sphere. An experimental concept from Luthien Armor Works, the CGR-5A retains the scout role of its original incarnation, with significant modifications for new stealth and added maneuverability. The design remains under gunned when compared to contemporary assault ‘Mechs, but its revised weapon payload enjoys six times greater range and 160% destructive output to a CGR-1A1.

Tech Base: Inner Sphere  [E/X-X-E-D]
Role: Scout
Battle Value: 1,736
Cost: 22,114,320 C-Bills

Equipment                                                                 Mass
Internal Structure:                                                         8
Engine:                              400 XL                               26.5
    Walking MP:                        5
    Running MP:                        8
    Jumping MP:                        4
Heat Sinks:                         18 [36]                                 8
Gyro:                                                                       4
Cockpit:                                                                    3
Armor Factor (Stealth):               160                                  10

                                   Internal             Armor
                                   Structure            Value
    Head                               3                  9
    Center Torso                      25                 25
    Center Torso (rear)                                   6
    L/R Torso                         17                 20
    L/R Torso (rear)                                      5
    L/R Arm                           13                 15
    L/R Leg                           17                 20

Weapons and Ammo                   Location           Critical            Mass
2 Light PPCs                          RA                  4                 6
Light PPC                             RT                  2                 3
2 Jump Jets                           RT                  2                 2
Guardian ECM Suite                    CT                  2                1.5
Light PPC                             LT                  2                 3
2 Jump Jets                           LT                  2                 2
Light PPC                             LA                  2                 3
Stealth Armor                  RA/RT/RL/LT/LA/LL     2/2/2/2/2/2            -

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