
HBK-4T Hunchback

HBK-4T Hunchback

Mass: 50 tons
Chassis: Crucis Type V
Power Plant: Nissan 200 Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 64 kph
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Starshield with CASE
    2 Hellion-V Medium Lasers
    1 ExoStar Small Laser
    1 Telos ThunderShot Thunderbolt 20 Launcher
Manufacturer: Colonial Tractors
    Primary Factory: Fronc
Communications System: Omicron 4002 Networking Channel
Targeting and Tracking System: TRSS Eagle Eye

First seen on Midale by DMI operatives in 3135, the HBK-4T Hunchback became a prevailing enigma. Why would foreign benefactors provide modified Hunchbacks to the Taurian Concordat? Equally important is the question of who could provide them? The Lyran Commonwealth and Clan Sea Fox often atop the conspirator lists, though no one can realistically explain how either benefit from the arrangement. Taurus Territorial Industries insist the idea was a domestic endeavor, yet cannot provide the development data proving such. These mysteries overshadow the HBK-4T itself, acknowledged as an adequate indirect fire platform in military circles.

Tech Base: Inner Sphere [E/X-X-F-E]
Role: Missile Boat
Battle Value: 1,288
Cost: 4,237,000 C-Bills

Equipment                                                                 Mass
Internal Structure:                                                         5
Engine:                               200                                  8.5
    Walking MP:                        4
    Running MP:                        6
    Jumping MP:                        0
Heat Sinks:                         10 [20]                                 0
Gyro:                                                                       2
Cockpit:                                                                    3
Armor Factor:                         160                                  10
                                   Internal             Armor
                                   Structure            Value
    Head                               3                  9
    Center Torso                      16                 26
    Center Torso (rear)                                   5
    L/R Torso                         12                 20
    L/R Torso (rear)                                      4
    L/R Arm                            8                 16
    L/R Leg                           12                 20

Weapons and Ammo                   Location           Critical            Mass
Medium Laser                          RA                  1                 1
Thunderbolt-20                        RT                  5                15
Small Laser                           HD                  1                0.5
Thunderbolt-20 (Ammo) 9               LT                  3                 3
CASE                                  LT                  1                0.5
Medium Laser                          LA                  1                 1

TRS-9F Tarasque

TRS-9F Tarasque

Mass: 100 tons
Chassis: Hollis Mark II Composite
Power Plant: Vlar 300 Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: Chilton 600
    Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Compound LZ-7 Ferro-Lamellor with CASE II
    2 Mydron Model RC Rotary Autocannons
    2 Series 14a Medium Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: StarCorps Industries
    Primary Factory: Son Hoa
Communications System: Dalban Comline with Command Console
Targeting and Tracking System: Dalban HiRez-B with Bloodhound Active Probe and Target Acquisition Gear

The objective of the Tarasque design team was straightforward: a BattleMech able to saturate opposition with enough firepower to destroy or cripple it in one single salvo. Authorized to institute any reasonable compromise to achieve this goal, StarCorps Industries immediately set forth to accomplish the daunting task. The culmination of their engineering, after years of complex simulations and reiterative field experiments, has not been in vain.

Tech Base: Mixed Inner Sphere [F/X-X-F-F]
Role: Juggernaut
Battle Value: 2,589
Cost: 15,152,000 C-Bills

Equipment                                                                 Mass
Internal Structure:                Composite                                5
Engine:                               300                                  19
    Walking MP:                        3
    Running MP:                        5
    Jumping MP:                        3
Heat Sinks:                         14 [28]                                 4
Gyro:                                                                       3
Cockpit (Command Console):                                                  6
Armor Factor (Ferro-Lamellor):        307                                  22
                                   Internal             Armor
                                   Structure            Value
    Head                               3                  9
    Center Torso                      31                 42
    Center Torso (rear)                                  20
    L/R Torso                         21                 27
    L/R Torso (rear)                                     15
    L/R Arm                           17                 34
    L/R Leg                           21                 42

Weapons and Ammo                   Location           Critical            Mass
Rotary AC/5                           RA                  6                10
Ammo (Rotary) 60                      RA                  3                 3
CASE II                               RA                  1                 1
Clan Medium Pulse Laser               RT                  2                 2
Bloodhound Active Probe               RT                  3                 2
Jump Jet                              RT                  1                 2
Target Acquisition Gear               CT                  1                 1
Jump Jet                              CT                  1                 2
Clan Medium Pulse Laser               LT                  2                 2
Jump Jet                              LT                  1                 2
Rotary AC/5                           LA                  6                10
Ammo (Rotary) 60                      LA                  3                 3
CASE II                               LA                  1                 1

TRS-9E Tarasque

TRS-9E Tarasque

Mass: 100 tons
Chassis: Hollis Mark II Composite
Power Plant: Vlar 300 Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: Chilton 600
    Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Valiant Lamellor with CASE II
    2 Mydron Model RC Rotary Autocannons
    2 Defiance B3L Large Lasers
Manufacturer: StarCorps Industries
    Primary Factory: Son Hoa
Communications System: Dalban Comline
Targeting and Tracking System: Dalban HiRez-B with Target Acquisition Gear

The objective of the Tarasque design team was straightforward: a BattleMech able to saturate opposition with enough firepower to destroy or cripple it in one single salvo. Authorized to institute any reasonable compromise to achieve this goal, StarCorps Industries immediately set forth to accomplish the daunting task. The culmination of their engineering, after years of complex simulations and reiterative field experiments, has not been in vain.

Tech Base: Inner Sphere [E/X-X-F-D]
Role: Juggernaut
Battle Value: 2,381
Cost: 10,996,000 C-Bills

Equipment                                                                 Mass
Internal Structure:                Composite                                5
Engine:                               300                                  19
    Walking MP:                        3
    Running MP:                        5
    Jumping MP:                        3
Heat Sinks:                         16 [32]                                 6
Gyro:                                                                       3
Cockpit:                                                                    3
Armor Factor:                         304                                  19
                                   Internal             Armor
                                   Structure            Value
    Head                               3                  9
    Center Torso                      31                 42
    Center Torso (rear)                                  17
    L/R Torso                         21                 30
    L/R Torso (rear)                                     15
    L/R Arm                           17                 34
    L/R Leg                           21                 42

Weapons and Ammo                   Location           Critical            Mass
Rotary AC/5                           RA                  6                10
Ammo (Rotary) 60                      RA                  3                 3
CASE II                               RA                  1                 1
Large Laser                           RT                  2                 5
Jump Jet                              RT                  1                 2
Target Acquisition Gear               CT                  1                 1
Jump Jet                              CT                  1                 2
Large Laser                           LT                  2                 5
Jump Jet                              LT                  1                 2
Rotary AC/5                           LA                  6                10
Ammo (Rotary) 60                      LA                  3                 3
CASE II                               LA                  1                 1

CRK-5009-RS Crockett

CRK-5009-RS Crockett

Mass: 85 tons
Chassis: Geometric 530 Soft Core
Power Plant: Strand 255 Class B Light Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: Geotec 300
    Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Krupp 205 Light Ferro-Fibrous
    3 Ramtech 9500V Large Variable Speed Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: Blankenburg Technologies
    Primary Factory: Terra
Communications System: GRPNTR Groundpainter 5
Targeting and Tracking System: Scope 30 RNDST with Targeting Computer

It is undeniable the combat skills of House MechWarriors pale in comparison to Clan Bloodnames. A solution to correct the problem, pulse lasers directed by a targeting computer, has been proposed by leading technologists. While not as amorous as battled hardened veterans with decades of combat experience, the tangible result speaks for itself.

Tech Base: Inner Sphere [E/X-X-E-D]
Role: Juggernaut
Battle Value: 1,693
Cost: 16,470,550 C-Bills

Equipment                                                                 Mass
Internal Structure:                                                        8.5
Engine:                            255 Light                               10
    Walking MP:                        3
    Running MP:                        5
    Jumping MP:                        3
Heat Sinks:                         16 [32]                                 6
Gyro (Compact):                                                            4.5
Cockpit:                                                                    3
Armor Factor (Light Ferro):           263                                  16
                                   Internal             Armor
                                   Structure            Value
    Head                               3                  9
    Center Torso                      27                 35
    Center Torso (rear)                                  19
    L/R Torso                         18                 25
    L/R Torso (rear)                                     11
    L/R Arm                           14                 28
    L/R Leg                           18                 36

Weapons and Ammo                   Location           Critical            Mass
Large VSP Laser                       RA                  4                 9
Large VSP Laser                       RT                  4                 9
Jump Jet                              CT                  1                 1
Targeting Computer                    LT                  7                 7
Large VSP Laser                       LA                  4                 9
Jump Jet                              RL                  1                 1
Jump Jet                              LL                  1                 1

RVG-5L Ravager

RVG-5L Ravager

Mass: 35 tons
Chassis: GM Marauder
Power Plant: VOX 280 Extralight Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 86 kph
Maximum Speed: 129 kph
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Hellespont Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
    2 Lord’s Light 4 Light Particle Projector Cannons with Capacitors
    1 Lord’s Light 4 Light Particle Projector Cannon
    2 Kajuka Type 1 Small Lasers
Manufacturer: Ceres Metals Industries
    Primary Factory: Capella
Communications System: Dalban Micronics
Targeting and Tracking System: Dalban Hi-Rez

The RVG-5L Ravager was an attempt between House Liao and House Kurita to develop a BattleMech outside the paradigm of both Successor States’ battlefield tactics. The experiment failed to achieve that objective. Expressing disappointment, the Draconis Combine turned away from the finale design. Open to trial and error, the Capellan Confederation sought prototype field tests. For its weight class the Ravager hits hard, runs fast, and can take several beatings; but suffers vulnerability from its extralight fusion engine.

Tech Base: Inner Sphere [E/X-X-F-E]
Role: Striker
Battle Value: 1,224
Cost: 7,806,150 C-Bills

Equipment                                                                 Mass
Internal Structure:              Endo Composite                             3
Engine:                              280 XL                                 8
    Walking MP:                        8
    Running MP:                       12
    Jumping MP:                        0
Heat Sinks:                         12 [24]                                 2
Gyro (Extralight):                                                         1.5
Cockpit:                                                                    3
Armor Factor (Heavy Ferro):           109                                  5.5
                                   Internal             Armor
                                   Structure            Value
    Head                               3                  9
    Center Torso                      11                 15
    Center Torso (rear)                                   5
    L/R Torso                          8                 12
    L/R Torso (rear)                                      4
    L/R Arm                            6                 12
    L/R Leg                            8                 12

Weapons and Ammo                   Location           Critical            Mass
Light PPC                             RA                  2                 3
PPC Capacitor                         RA                  1                 1
Small Laser                           RA                  1                0.5
Light PPC                             LT                  2                 3
Light PPC                             LA                  2                 3
PPC Capacitor                         LA                  1                 1
Small Laser                           LA                  1                0.5

VGD-1H Vanguard

VGD-1H Vanguard

Mass: 25 tons
Chassis: Irian Class 81
Power Plant: Nissan 200 Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 86 kph
Maximum Speed: 129 kph
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Kallon FWL Special Ferro-Fibrous
    2 Fusigon Shorttooth Light Particle Projector Cannons with Capacitors
Manufacturer: Free Worlds Defense Industries
    Primary Factory: Gibson
Communications System: Datacom 50
Targeting and Tracking System: Dynatec 1122

Despite efforts to the contrary, origin of the Vanguard remains unknown. Conspiracy theorists unsurprisingly implicate the Word of Blake. Its schematics were publicly released across the Free Worlds League social infonet in late 3067 without a traceable source. Initially thought to be an elaborate hoax, experts realized the design was fully functional. Free Worlds Defense Industries assembled a prototype at behest of the Free Worlds League Military. Interest abated once structural flaws from miscalibrated lateral shifts in the gyro were identified. FWDI offered to correct the problem, but FWLM representatives turned down procurement opportunities.

Tech Base: Inner Sphere [E/X-X-E-D]
Role: Striker
Battle Value: 849
Cost: 3,121,667 C-Bills

Equipment                                                                 Mass
Internal Structure:                Endo Steel                              1.5
Engine:                               200                                  8.5
    Walking MP:                        8
    Running MP:                       12
    Jumping MP:                        0
Heat Sinks:                         10 [20]                                 0
Gyro (Extralight):                                                          1
Cockpit (Small):                                                            2
Armor Factor (Ferro-Fibrous):         71                                    4
                                   Internal             Armor
                                   Structure            Value
    Head                               3                  9
    Center Torso                       8                 12
    Center Torso (rear)                                   2
    L/R Torso                          6                  8
    L/R Torso (rear)                                      2
    L/R Arm                            4                  8
    L/R Leg                            6                 10

Weapons and Ammo                   Location           Critical            Mass
Light PPC                             RT                  2                 3
PPC Capacitor                         RT                  1                 1
Light PPC                             LT                  2                 3
PPC Capacitor                         LT                  1                 1

AGU-3H Ashigaru

AGU-3H Ashigaru

Mass: 25 tons
Chassis: Alshain Class 3f
Power Plant: Vlar 125 Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Maximillian 42
    1 Lord’s Light 3 Heavy Particle Projector Cannon
Manufacturer: Luthien Armor Works
    Primary Factory: Luthien
Communications System: Sipher CommCon CSU-4
Targeting and Tracking System: Cat’s Eyes 5

Conceptualized from stolen Coventry Metal Works schematics, the Ashigaru is an innovative imitation of the original Hollander. Two-third the tonnage and 600,000 C-Bill less expensive, the Ashigaru retains identical protection, equal destructive firepower, and similar maneuverability. Low cost to manufacture, it provides planetary garrisons an affordable option against domestic and external raiders.

Tech Base: Inner Sphere [E/X-X-E-D]
Role: Sniper
Battle Value: 803
Cost: 2,127,917 C-Bills

Equipment                                                                 Mass
Internal Structure:                                                        2.5
Engine:                               125                                   4
    Walking MP:                        5
    Running MP:                        8
    Jumping MP:                        0
Heat Sinks:                         10 [20]                                 0
Gyro (Extralight):                                                          1
Cockpit:                                                                    3
Armor Factor:                         72                                   4.5
                                   Internal             Armor
                                   Structure            Value
    Head                               3                  9
    Center Torso                       8                 10
    Center Torso (rear)                                   3
    L/R Torso                          6                  8
    L/R Torso (rear)                                      3
    L/R Arm                            4                  6
    L/R Leg                            6                  8

Weapons and Ammo                   Location           Critical            Mass
Heavy PPC                             RT                  3                10

Half-Orc Javelineer

Half-Orc Javelineer

Javelins are one of the weapons that suffered major developer negligence in Kingmaker. There are zero unique javelins and programmer oversight made javelins not benefit from Weapon Training. While try to avoid overt min-maxing, javelin builds are completely reliant on feats or class features to maintain relevancy. If you choose to follow the path of a Fighter, the aforementioned Weapon Training bug will never get patched. Do not invest more than 12 levels: there’s nothing of value after Greater Weapon Specialization.

Starting Ability Scores
Strength 16 Intelligence 12
Dexterity 18 Wisdom 10
Constitution 15 Charisma 7
Athletics 10, Perception, Persuasion, Trickery
Level Class Bonus Class Features Selected Options
1 Fighter +1 Feat: Point Blank Shot, Combat Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus (Javelin)
2 Fighter +2 Bravery +1 Combat Bonus Feat: Precise Shot
3 Fighter +3 Armor Training +1 Feat: Rapid Shot
4 Fighter +4 +1 Constitution, Combat Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization (Javelin)
5 Fighter +5 Weapon Training +1 Feat: Point Blank Master (Javelin), Weapon Training Group: Spears
6 Fighter +6 Bravery +2 Combat Bonus Feat: Deadly Aim
7 Fighter +7 Armor Training +2 Feat: Iron Will
8 Fighter +8 +1 Dexterity, Combat Bonus Feat: Greater Weapon Focus (Javelin)
9 Fighter +9 Weapon Training +2 Advanced Weapon Training Option: Effortless Dual-Wielding, Feat: Two-Weapon Fighting
10 Fighter +10 Bravery +3 Combat Bonus Feat: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
11 Fighter +11 Armor Training +3 Feat: Improved Precise Shot
12 Fighter +12 +1 Dexterity, Combat Bonus Feat: Greater Weapon Specialization (Javelin)
13 Slayer +13 Studied Target +1 Feat: Double Slice
14 Slayer +14 Slayer Talent: Combat Trick (Greater Two-Weapon Fighting)
15 Slayer +15 Sneak Attack +2d6 Feat: Accomplished Sneak Attacker
16 Slayer +16 +1 Dexterity, Slayer Talent: Combat Trick (Improved Critical [Javelin])
17 Slayer +17 Studied Target +2 Feat: Critical Focus
18 Slayer +18 Sneak Attack +3d6 Slayer Talent: Combat Trick (Tiring Critical)
19 Slayer +19 Studied Target (Swift Action) Feat: Exhausting Critical
20 Slayer +20 +1 Dexterity, Slayer Talent: Combat Trick (Hammer the Gap)
javelin +5, speed javelin +3, black dragon breastplate, headband of inspired wisdom +6, cloak of resistance +6, ring of protection +5, amulet of natural armor +5, belt of physical flow +6, death from afar

Elven Curve Blademaster

Elven Curve Blademaster

Sasaki Kojirō fans rejoice: the elven curve blade is Kingmaker’s equivalent of the nodachi. Powerful versions are readibly acquirable throughout the adventure, especially bane of the living if you can defeat the associated astradaemon. As a two-handed weapon, an elven curve blade benefits from the 50% bonus damage of Power Attack, providing extra damage oomph. If you’re not dabbling with Pathfinder’s multiclass madness, a straightforward rogue can utilize the weapon to create an effective melee build.

Starting Ability Scores
Strength 13 Intelligence 10
Dexterity 18 Wisdom 10
Constitution 14 Charisma 15
Mobility, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth, Trickery, Use Magic Device
Level Class Bonus Class Features Selected Options
1 Thug +0 Feat: Weapon Finesse, Frightening, Rogue Proficiency, Sneak Attack +1d6 Feat: Improved Initiative, Human Racial Feat: Power Attack
2 Thug +1 Evasion Rogue Talent (Combat Trick: Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Elven Curve Blade])
3 Thug +2 Brutal Beating, Sneak Attack +2d6 Feat: Weapon Focus (Elven Curve Blade), Finesse Training (Elven Curve Blade)
4 Thug +3 Bewildering Injury, Debilitating Injury, Disorienting Injury, Hampering Injury, Uncanny Dodge +1 Charisma, Rogue Talent (Skill Focus: Persuasion)
5 Thug +3 Sneak Attack +3d6 Feat: Iron Will
6 Thug +4 Rogue Talent (Combat Trick: Blind Fight)
7 Thug +5 Sneak Attack +4d6 Feat: Combat Reflexes
8 Thug +6 Improved Uncanny Dodge +1 Dexterity, Rogue Talent (Combat Trick: Cornugon Smash)
9 Thug +6 Sneak Attack +5d6 Feat: Dazzling Display
10 Thug +7 Rogue Advanced Talent (Crippling Strike)
11 Thug +8 Sneak Attack +6d6 Feat: Shatter Defenses, Finesse Training (Short Sword)
12 Thug +9 +1 Dexterity, Rogue Advanced Talent (Opportunist)
13 Thug +9 Sneak Attack +7d6 Feat: Improved Critical (Elven Curve Blade)
14 Thug +10 Rogue Advanced Talent (Double Debilitation)
15 Thug +11 Sneak Attack +8d6 Feat: Critical Focus
16 Thug +12 Feat: Blinding Critical +1 Dexterity, Rogue Advanced Talent (Blinding Strike)
17 Thug +12 Sneak Attack +9d6 Feat: Two-Weapon Fighting
18 Thug +13 Rogue Advanced Talent (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting)
19 Thug +14 Sneak Attack +10d6 Feat: Combat Trick: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Finesse Training (Dagger)
20 Thug +15 Master Strike +1 Dexterity, Rogue Advanced Talent (Dispelling Attack)
bane of the living, allslayer (x2), dark master’s robe, headband of inspired wisdom +6, castigator’s cloak, sentinel, bracers of armor +8, riversong amulet, belt of incredible dexterity +6, gloves of the scribe, manticore skin boots

Rauder of House Sovven

Rauder Sovven

“You have my word as the Third Son of House Sovven.”

Though of humble nobility, House Sovven can trace their ancient lineage to the First Army of Exploration. Rauder is the third son of the current Patriarch: too young to inherit a position of rule, yet too old to live without responsibility. He thus bears the unenviable family obligation to provide an able body to the royal military.

Rauder is a proven martial paragon possessive of valiant charm and clear judgement. After years of formal swordsmanship and the finest equipment his family can provide, he enters the Grand Princess’ service with the intention of earning high distinction.

In an unusual turn of events, Rauder was granted special compensation to patrol the kingdom and its amicable neighbors as an adventurer. In doing so he safeguards the land from nonobvious threats and establishes connections with persons of interest. The arrangement also keeps Rauder detached from court intrigue and machinations. He is thus overlooked by malcontents seeking to undermine the throne and provides Her Highness with a loyalist unfamiliar to them.

   Male Taldan half-elf fighter 5 (noble background)
   Perception +11; low-light vision
   Languages Elvish, Taldane
   Skills Athletics +13 (expert), Diplomacy +14 (expert), Lore: Genealogy +7 (trained), Medicine +9 (trained), Society +7 (trained)
   Str +4, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +4
   Worn Items backpack, diplomat’s badge, fine clothing, full plate, healer’s tools, 1gp, 6sp; Stored Items bedroll, flint and steel, pup tent, rations (2 weeks), rope (50 feet), sack, soap, torch (5), waterskin; Current Bulk 6.1

   AC 23; Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +11; bravery
   HP 73
   Attack of Opportunity ⟳ (fighter) Trigger A creature within Rauder’s reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using. Effect Rauder makes a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If Rauder’s attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, Rauder disrupts that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward Rauder’s multiple attack penalty, and his multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.
   Shield Block ⟳ (fighter) Trigger While Rauder has his shield raised and he would take damage from a physical attack. Effect Rauder’s shield prevents him from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. Rauder and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

   Speed 30 feet
   Melee+1 striking bastard sword +16 (magical, two-hand d12), Damage 2d8+4 slashing, Critical Specialization Effect The target is made off-balance by Rauder’s attack, becoming flat-footed until the start of Rauder’s next turn.

   Ancestry Feats 1 General Training, 5 Nimble Elf
   Class Feats 1 Sudden Charge, 2 Dueling Parry, 4 Dual-Handed Assault
   General Feats 1 Fleet, 1 Shield Block, 3 Toughness
   Skill Feats 1 Courtly Graces, 2 Bon Mot, 4 Group Impression
   Class Abilities 1 Attack of Opportunity, 3 Bravery, 5 Fighter Weapon Mastery (Sword), 5 Critical Specialization

   Bon Mot APG ◆ (auditory, concentrate emotion, linguistic, mental, skill) Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target’s Will DC. Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a -3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can end the effect early with a retort to Rauder’s Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. Success As critical success, but the penalty is -2. Critical Failure Rauder’s quip is atrocious. Rauder takes the same penalty an enemy would take had Rauder succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if Rauder issues another Bon Mot and succeed.
   Courtly Graces (skill) Rauder can use Society to Make an Impression on a noble.
   Diehard (general) Rauder dies from the dying condition at dying 5, rather than dying 4.
   Dual-Handed Assault ◆ (fighter, flourish) Requirements Rauder is wielding a one-handed melee weapon and has a free hand. Effect Rauder makes a Strike with the required weapon. Rauder quickly switches his grip during the Strike in order to make the attack with two hands. If the weapon doesn’t normally have the two-hand trait, increase its weapon damage die by one step for this attack. If the weapon has the two-hand trait, you gain the benefit of that trait and a circumstance bonus to damage equal to the weapon’s number of damage dice. When the Strike is complete, Rauder resumes gripping the weapon with only one hand. This action doesn’t end any stance or fighter feat effect that requires Rauder to have one hand free.
   Dueling Parry ◆ (fighter) Requirements Rauder is wielding only a single one-handed melee weapon and has his other hand or hands free. Effect Rauder gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of his next turn as long as he continues to meet the requirements.
   Group Impression (skill) When Rauder uses Make an Impression, he can compare his Diplomacy check result to the Will DCs of four targets instead of one. It’s possible to get a different degree of success for each target.
   Sudden Charge ◆◆ (fighter, flourish, open) Stride twice. If Rauder ends his movement within melee reach of at least one enemy, Rauder can make a melee Strike against that enemy. Rauder can use Sudden Charge while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if he has the corresponding movement type.
   Toughness (general) The DC of recovery checks is equal to 9 + Rauder’s dying condition value.

   Diplomat’s Badge ◆ (enchantment, item 5, magical) Activate Recall Knowledge. Frequency Once per day. Effect Attempt a DC 20 check to Recall Knowledge about people of a human ethnicity, a non-human ancestry, or some other type of creature. If Rauder succeeds, the badge’s bonus increases to +2 for Diplomacy checks with creatures of that group for the rest of the day.
   True Blade of the House of Sovven ◆ (evocation, item 4, magical, two-hand d12) The ancestral sword of House Sovven, this +1 striking bastard sword has a +1 weapon potency rune (+1 item bonus to attack rolls with the weapon) and a striking rune (one extra damage dice).

Tactics Rauder will rush to the frontline and intercede himself as an obstacle to protect weaker allies. Past battles have taught Rauder a good defense is the foundation for a great offense. He therefore prioritizes Dueling Parry whenever possible.
   Sudden Charge ◆◆ → Dueling Parry ◆
   Bon Mot ◆ → Dual-Handed Assault ◆ → Dueling Parry ◆
   Dual-Handed Assault ◆ → Dueling Parry ◆ → Strike ◆