
Dragon Axe Specialist

Dragon Axe Specialist

Lawful Neutral. Dovahkiin naal ok zin los vahriin. Wahdein vokul mahfaeraak ast vaal. Ahrk fin norok paal graan. Fodnust vok zin dro zaan. Dovahkiin fah hin kogaan mu draal! Huzrah nu kul do od wah aan bok. Lingrah vod, ahrk fin tey. Boziik fun do fin gein! Wo lost fron wah ney dov. Ahrk fin rey liik do jul. Voth aan su ley kwahro nit faal krein!

Starting Ability Scores
Strength 19 Intelligence 12
Dexterity 13 Wisdom 10
Constitution 14 Charisma 12
Athletics 7, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Perception 20, Trickery 20
Level Class Bonus Class Features Selected Options
1 Two-Handed Fighter +1 Fighter Proficiency Feat: Weapon Focus (Greataxe), Half-Elf Racial Feat: Skill Focus (Trickery), Bonus Combat Feat: Power Attack
2 Two-Handed Fighter +2 Strong Grip +1 Bonus Combat Feat: Cleave
3 Two-Handed Fighter +3 Overhand Chop Feat: Finishing Cleave
4 Two-Handed Fighter +4 +1 Strength; Bonus Combat Feat: Weapon Specialization (Greataxe)
5 Archaeologist +4 Bard Proficiency, Archaeologist’s Luck +1, Cantrips, Detect Magic Feat: Arcane Strike; expeditious retreat, remove fear
6 Dragon Disciple +4 Natural Armor Increase +1 Draconic Bloodline: Green Dragon
7 Dragon Disciple +5 Arcane Spellcasting, Strength +2, Dragon Bite Feat: Dodge, Bloodline Feat: Blind-Fight; feather step
8 Dragon Disciple +6 Breath Weapon +1 Strength; cure light wounds
9 Dragon Disciple +7 Natural Armor Increase +1, Strength +2 Feat: Armor Focus (Heavy Armor); heroism, rage
10 Two-Handed Fighter +8 Two-Handed Weapon Training 1
11 Two-Handed Fighter +9 Strong Grip +2 Feat: Improved Critical (Greataxe), Bonus Combat Feat: Critical Focus
12 Two-Handed Fighter +10 Backswing +1 Strength
13 Two-Handed Fighter +11 Feat: Greater Weapon Focus (Greataxe), Bonus Combat Feat: Improved Blind-Fight
14 Two-Handed Fighter +12 Two-Handed Weapon Training 2
15 Two-Handed Fighter +13 Strong Grip +3 Feat: Tiring Critical, Bonus Combat Feat: Greater Blind-Fighting
16 Two-Handed Fighter +14 Piledriver +1 Strength
17 Two-Handed Fighter +15 Feat: Greater Weapon Specialization (Greataxe), Bonus Combat Feat: Exhausting Critical
18 Two-Handed Fighter +16 Two-Handed Weapon Training 3
19 Two-Handed Fighter +17 Strong Grip +4 Feat: Critical Mastery, Bonus Combat Feat: Sickening Critical
20 Two-Handed Fighter +18 Greater Power Attack +1 Strength
vanquisher, onslaught, headband of mental perfection +6, cloak of resistance +6, amulet of natural armor +5, belt of physical form +6

Unarmored Duelist

Unarmored Duelist

Lawful Good. Unarmor melee build that still achieves an impressive armor class. Capitalizes on experience points obtained via successful Persuasion and Trickery skill checks. Weapon of choice is Bloodhound, obtainable in Chapter Two by exploiting dimension door in the Lonely Barrow.

Starting Ability Scores
Strength 10 Intelligence 14
Dexterity 18 Wisdom 15
Constitution 14 Charisma 8
Mobility 3, Perception 20, Persuasion 20, Stealth 12, Trickery 20
Level Class Bonus Class Features Selected Options
1 Aldori Defender +1 Fighter Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency (Dueling Sword) Feat: Weapon Focus (Dueling Sword), Human Racial Feat: Dodge, Bonus Combat Feat: Combat Mobility
2 Eldritch Scoundrel +1 Feat: Weapon Finesse, Eldritch Scoundrel Proficiency, Cantrips, Detect Magic expeditious retreat, mage armor, protection from alignment, reduce person, shield
3 Eldritch Scoundrel +2 Evasion Rogue Talent (Combat Trick: Aldori Dueling Mastery); hurricane bow, magic missile
4 Eldritch Scoundrel +3 Danger Sense +1, Sneak Attack +1d6 +1 Wisdom; Finesse Training (Dueling Sword); enlarge person, vanish
5 Traditional Monk +4 AC Bonus, Flurry of Blows, Improved Unarmed Strike (1d6), Monk Proficiency, Stunning Fist, Sneak Attack +2d6 Feat: Accomplished Sneak Attack, Monk Bonus Feat: Crane Style
6 Eldritch Scoundrel +5 Bewildering Injury, Debilitating Injury, Disorienting Injury, Hampering Injury, Uncanny Dodge Rogue Talent (Skill Focus: Arcane Strike); invisibility, mirror image
7 Aldori Defender +6 Bravery +2 Feat: Blind-Fight, Bonus Combat Feat: Crane Wing
8 Aldori Defender +7 Defensive Parry +1 +1 Dexterity
9 Aldori Defender +8 Feat: Weapon Specialization (Dueling Sword), Combat Bonus Feat: Crane Riposte
10 Aldori Defender +9 Weapon Training +1 Weapon Training Group: Heavy Blades
11 Duelist +10 Canny Defense, Precise Strike Feat: Piranha Strike
12 Duelist +11 Improved Reaction +2, Parry +1 Dexterity
13 Duelist +12 Enhanced Mobility Feat: Improved Critical (Dueling Sword)
14 Duelist +13 Class Bonus Feat: Combat Reflexes, Grace
15 Duelist +14 Riposte Feat: Critical Focus
16 Duelist +15 Acrobatic Movement +1 Dexterity
17 Duelist +16 Elaborate Defense Feat: Tiring Critical
18 Duelist +17 Improved Reaction +4
19 Duelist +18 Deflect Arrows, No Retreat Feat: Exhausting Critical
20 Duelist +19 Crippling Critical +1 Dexterity
bloodhound, protector’s robe, headband of mental perfection +6, absolver’s cloak, great dreamer’s smile, ring of circumstances, bracers of deflection, charm of the deep waters, belt of physical flow +6, gloves of dueling, manticore skin boots

Einbach Wintergate

Einbach Wintergate

“Too old for this.”

No one could foresee, Einbach least among them all, that the chance encounter with a dragon hatchling would manifest a permanent psychic bond. A decorated veteran guardsman, Einbach was anticipating retirement after fifty years of militia service. He must now enlist into the ranks of the kingdom’s prestigious Royal Knights of the Dragon as the oldest new recruit in memorable history. It is both an incredible honor and a most unfortunate obligation.

Medium Humanoid (Human), Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 18; Initiative +2 (12)
Hit Points 28 (3d10 + 6)
Speed 30 feet

16 10 14 16 10 8
+3 +3 +0 +0 +2 +2 +3 +3 +0 +0 -1 -1

Skills Animal Handing +2, Athletics +5, Investigation +5, Perception +2, Survival +2; Dragonchess Set
Gear Moon-Touched Longsword, Shield, Chain Mail Armor, Traveler’s Clothes
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Undercommon
Challenge 2 (450 XP; Proficiency Bonus +2)


Dragon Companion. Einbach is psionically bonded to a dragon hatchling. This bond irrevocably transforms both dragon and knight, allowing the dragon to grow in strength alongside its partner knight.


Einbach is bonded to a dragon hatchling who serves as his companion. The dragon is Friendly to him, his allies, and obeys Einbach’s commands. In combat, the dragon acts during Einbach’s turn. It can move and use its Reaction on its own, but the only action it takes is the Dodge action unless Einbach takes a Bonus Action to command it to take an action. If Einbach has the Incapacitated condition, the dragon acts on its own and isn’t limited to the Dodge action.

Small Dragon, Neutral

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 16 (3d6)
Speed 30 feet, Fly 30 feet, Swim 30 feet

16 16 12 8 13 10
+3 +3 +3 +3 +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +0 +0

Senses Darkvision 60 feet, Passive Perception 11
Languages Understands Common, Elvish, Sylvan; Telepathy 30 feet
Challenge None (XP 0; Proficiency Bonus +2)


Amphibious. The dragon can breathe both air and water.

Resurrecting the Dragon. If the dragon companion has died within the last hour, Einbach can take a Magic action to touch the dragon and expend a use of his Second Wind. The dragon returns to life after 1 minute with all its Hit Points restored. Otherwise, Einbach can perform a 1-hour ceremony to resurrect the dragon; this ceremony can be performed as part of a Short or Long Rest.

Stalwart Bond. Add 1 to any ability check or saving throw the dragon makes.


Rend. Melee Attack Roll: +6, reach 5 feet. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) Force damage.

Gravity Breath (2/Day). Constitution Saving Throw: DC 13, each creature in a 15-foot Cone. Failure: The target is either pulled up to 15 feet straight toward the dragon or pushed 15 feet straight away from the dragon (Einbach’s choice).

Initiative Swap. Immediately after Einbach rolls Initiative, he can swap his Initiative with the Initiative of one willing ally in the same combat. Einbach can’t make this swap if he or the ally has the Incapacitated condition.

Knightly Envoy. Einbach can cast the Comprehend Languages spell but only as a Ritual. Intelligence is his spellcasting ability for it.

Lizard Familiar. Einbach has the service of a familiar, a spirit that takes an animal form. The familiar acts independently of Einbach, but it obeys his commands. Einbach can’t have more than one familiar at a time.


The lizard familiar is an ally to Einbach and his allies. It rolls its own Initiative and acts on its own turn. A lizard familiar can’t attack, but it can take other actions as normal.

Tiny Fey, Unaligned

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 2 (1d4)
Speed 20 feet, Climb 20 feet

2 11 10 1 8 3
-4 -4 +0 +0 +0 +0 -5 -5 -1 -1 -4 -4

Senses Darkvision 30 feet, Passive Perception 9
Languages None
Challenge None (XP 0; Proficiency Bonus +2)


Familiar. When the familiar drops to 0 Hit Points, it disappears. The familiar reappears after Einbach casts the Find Familiar spell again. As a Magic action, Einbach can temporarily dismiss the familiar to a pocket dimension. As a Magic action while the familiar is temporarily dismissed, Einbach can cause it to reappear in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of Einbach. Whenever the familiar drops to 0 Hit Points or disappears into the pocket dimension, the familiar leaves behind in its space anything it was wearing or carrying.

Spider Climb. The lizard can climb difficult surfaces, including along ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

Telepathic Connection. While the familiar is within 100 feet of Einbach, he can communicate with it telepathically.

Magic Initiate. Einbach’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit). He regains all expended spell slots when he finishes a Short or Long Rest. Einbach knows the following Wizard spells:
Cantrips (at will): Minor Illusion, Ray of Frost
1st level (1/Rest): Find Familiar

Tactical Mind. When Einbach fails an ability check, he can expend a use of Second Wind, and instead of regaining Hit Points, Einbach adds 5 (1d10) to the ability check. If the check still fails, this use of Second Wind isn’t expended.


Action Surge. On his turn, Einbach can take one additional action, except the Magic action. He can use this feature 1 time until he finishes a Short or Long Rest.

Moon-Touched Sword. Melee Attack Roll: +5, reach 5 feet. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) Slashing damage. Sap: If Einbach hits a creature with this weapon, that creature has Disadvantage on its next attack roll before the start of Einbach’s next turn. In Darkness, the unsheathed blade of this weapon sheds moonlight, creating Bright Light in a 15-foot radius and Dim Light for an additional 15 feet.

Ray of Frost. Spell Attack Roll: +5 to hit, range 60 feet. Hit: 4 (1d8) Cold damage. On a hit the target’s Speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of Einbach’s next turn.


Second Wind. Einbach can regain 8 Hit Points (1d10 + 3). He can use this 2 times per Long Rest, and can regain one expended use when he finishes a Short Rest.

Telepathic Connection. Einbach can see through his familiar’s eyes and hear what it hears until the start of Einbach’s next turn, gaining the benefits of any special senses it has.

Defender of the Bear God

Defender of the Bear God

Neutral Evil. Melee damage build with divine spellcaster abilities for animal companion support. Capitalizes on experience points obtained via successful Persuasion and Trickery skill checks. Acquire a scythe from Oleg’s Trading Post (or take Jaethal’s) to leverage the most out of Power Attack. Weapon of choice is Thundering Claw of the Bear God, found on a corpse behind the portal in Giggling Hill.

Starting Ability Scores
Strength 18 Intelligence 10
Dexterity 14 Wisdom 13
Constitution 15 Charisma 10
Mobility 3, Nature 17, Perception 20, Persuasion 20, Trickery 20
Level Class Bonus Class Features Selected Options
1 Defender of the True World +0 Orisons, Detect Magic, Spellcasting, Nature Bond, Nature Sense, Spontaneous Summoning Animal Companion: Bear, Feat: Dodge, Bonus Feat: Power Attack
2 Defender of the True World +1
3 Defender of the True World +2 Feat: Extend Spell (Metamagic)
4 Defender of the True World +3 Resist Nature’s Lure, Wild Shape 1/day, Wild Shape (Wolf) +1 Constitution
5 Defender of the True World +3 Feat: Natural Spell
6 Defender of the True World +4 Wild Shape 2/day, Wild Shape (Leopard/Small Elemental)
7 Defender of the True World +5 Feat: Blind Fight
8 Defender of the True World +6 Wild Shape 3/day, Wild Shape (Bear/Medium Elemental) +1 Strength
9 Defender of the True World +6 Venom Immunity Feat: Weapon Focus (Claws)
10 Defender of the True World +7 Wild Shape 4/day, Wild Shape (Smilodon/Shambling Mound/Large Elemental)
11 Defender of the True World +8 Feat: Improved Critical (Claws)
12 Defender of the True World +9 Wild Shape 5/day, Wild Shape (Huge Elemental) +1 Strength
13 Defender of the True World +9 Feat: Critical Focus
14 Defender of the True World +10 Wild Shape 6/day
15 Defender of the True World +11 Feat: Weapon Focus (Scimitar)
16 Defender of the True World +12 Wild Shape 7/day +1 Strength
17 Defender of the True World +12 Feat: Improved Critical (Scimitar)
18 Defender of the True World +13 Wild Shape 8/day
19 Defender of the True World +14 Feat: Toughness
20 Defender of the True World +15 +1 Strength
thundering claw of the bear god, black dragon breastplate, heart of thunder, headband of mental perfection +6, cloak of the winter wolf, great dreamer’s smile, ring of circumstances, bracers of armor +8, amulet of mighty fists +5, belt of physical perfection +8, manticore’s claws, manticore skin boots

Kaizen the Iaidomaster

Kaizen the Iaidomaster

“Celerity. Accuracy. Lethality.”

Kaizen never sought to be an assassin… it just happened his swordsmanship suited assassination. As a practitioner of iaido his technique relies on first strike. Kaizen’s pragmatic methodology to exploit blindspots, inflict inhumane wounds, and withdraw from reach during duels lead to accusation of dishonor. Yet the core deterministic factor could be Kaizen’s distain for the katana and overwhelming perference for the wakizashi. Thus his options for employment fell into the influence of criminal syndicates and unscrupulous nobles.

Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral

Armor Class 17; Initiative +9 (19)
Hit Points 93 (10d8 + 40)
Speed 40 feet

10 20 15 10 12 10
+0 +0 +5 +9 +2 +2 +0 +4 +1 +1 +0 +0

Skills Acrobatics +9, Deception +8, Insight +9, Perception +9, Performance +4, Persuasion +4, Stealth +13; Calligrapher’s Supplies, Disguise Kit, Poisoner’s Kit, Thieves’ Tools
Gear Book (swordsman’s manuscript), Calligrapher’s Supplies, Enspelled Wakizashi of Haste, Studded Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools, Traveler’s Clothes, Wakizashi
Senses Blindsight 10 feet, Passive Perception 19
Languages Common, Common Sign, Draconic, Giant, Thieves’ Cant
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP; Proficiency Bonus +4)


Agile Movement. Opportunity Attacks have Disadvantage against Kaizen.

Dash over Difficult Terrain. When Kaizen takes the Dash action on his turn, Difficult Terrain doesn’t cost him extra movement for the rest of that turn.

Enspelled Wakizashi of Haste. The weapon has 6 charges and regains 3 (1d6) expended charges daily at dawn. While holding the weapon, Kaizen can expend 1 charge to cast the Haste spell.

Evasion. When Kaizen is subjected to an effect that allows him to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, Kaizen instead takes no damage if he succeeds on the saving throw and only half damage if he fails. Kaizen can’t use this feature if he has the Incapacitated condition.

Fog of War. Kaizen gains Advantage on any Dexterity (Stealth) check he makes as part of the Hide action during combat.

Initiative. Kaizen has Advantage on Initiative rolls.

Initiative Swap. Immediately after Kaizen rolls Initiative, he can swap his Initiative with the Initiative of one willing ally in the same combat. Kaizen can’t make this swap if he or the ally has the Incapacitated condition.

Masterful Mimicry. Kaizen can unerringly mimic another person’s speech, handwriting or both if Kaizen has spent at least 1 hour studying them.

Reliable Talent. Whenever Kaizen makes an ability check that uses one of his skills or tool proficiencies, he can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Resourceful. Kaizen gains Heroic Inspiration whenever he finishes a Long Rest.

Sniper. If Kaizen makes an attack roll while hidden and the roll misses, making the attack roll doesn’t reveal his location.


Sneak Attack. Once per turn Kaizen can deal an extra 27 (5d6) damage to one creature he hits with an attack if Kaizen has Advantage on the roll and the attack uses a Finesse or Ranged weapon. The extra damage’s type is the same as the weapon’s type. Kaizen doesn’t need Advantage on the attack if at least one of his allies is within 5 feet of the target, the ally doesn’t have the Incapacitated condition, and Kaizen doesn’t have Disadvantage on the attack roll.

Surprising Strikes. During the first round of each combat, Kaizen has Advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn’t taken a turn. If Kaizen’s Sneak Attack hits any target during that round, the target takes an additional 10 damage of the weapon’s type.

Cunning Strike. When Kaizen deals Sneak Attack damage, he can add one of the following Cunning Strike effects. Each effect has a die cost, which is the number of Sneak Attack dice Kaizen must forgo to add the effect. Kaizen removes the die before rolling, and the effect occurs immediately after the attack’s damage is dealt.

  • Poison (-1d6). To use this effect, Kaizen must have a Poisoner’s Kit on his person. Constitution Saving Throw: DC 17. Failure: The target has the Poisoned condition for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the poisoned target repeats the save, ending the effect on a success.
  • Trip (-1d6). To use this effect, the target must be Large or smaller. Dexterity Saving Throw: DC 17. Failure: The target has the Prone condition.
  • Withdraw (-1d6). Immediately after the attack, Kaizen moves up to half his speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks.

Enspelled Wakizashi of Haste. Melee Attack Roll: +9 to hit, reach 5 feet. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) Slashing damage. When Kaizen makes the extra attack of the Light property, he can make it as part of the Attack action instead of as a Bonus Action. Kaizen can make this extra attack only once per turn.


Cunning Action. On his turn, Kaizen can take one of the following actions: Dash, Disengage, or Hide.

Roving Aim. Kaizen gives himself Advantage on his next attack roll on the current turn, provided that he hasn’t moved during this turn.

Off-Hand Wakizashi. Melee Attack Roll: +9 to hit, reach 5 feet. Hit: 3 (1d6) Slashing damage. When Kaizen makes the extra attack, he can make it as part of the Attack action instead of as a Bonus Action. Kaizen can make this extra attack only once per turn.


Parry. If another creature hits Kaizen with a melee attack, Kaizen can take a Reaction to add 4 to his Armor Class, potentially causing the attack to miss Kaizen. Kaizen gains this bonus to his Armor Class against melee attacks until the start of his next turn.

Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that Kaizen can see hits him with an attack roll, Kaizen can take a Reaction to halve the attack’s damage against himself (round down).

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Shinare the Omenblade

Shinare the Omenblade

“You have no idea how insignificant all of us are.”

Shinare was an orphan raised by itinerant mercenaries. Through his young adulthood the regiment ventured through mountain forests where Shinare learnt swordsmanship ubiquitous to the region. He would later come into possession of an ancient blade that imprisoned entities who promised incalculable power in exchange for freedom. Deals were struck, an extinct legacy was bequeathed to a new progenitor, and eldritch horrors were released unto the world. In time Shinare realized the overwhelming magnitude of his mistake. Nonetheless, though he does not trust or worship Those Who Were Imprisoned, Shinare is not above aiding such cults for compensation.

Medium Humanoid (Human), Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 18, Initiative +6 (16)
Hit Points 167 (1d10 + 17d8 + 72)
Speed 30 feet, Swim 30 feet

15 10 14 10 11 26
+2 +8 +0 +0 +2 +8 +0 +0 +0 +6 +8 +8

Skills Arcana +6, Athletics +8, History +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +14; Cartographer’s Tools
Gear Arcane Focus (medallion), Book (occult lore), Greatsword, Plate Armor, Traveler’s Clothes
Resistances Psychic
Senses Blindsight 10 feet, Truesight 30 feet, Passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant
Challenge 12 (7,200 XP; Proficiency Bonus +6)


Concentration. Shinare has Advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain Concentration.

Contact Patron. Once per Long Rest, Shinare can cast the Contact Other Plane spell without expending a spell slot to contact his patron, and Shinare automatically succeeds on the spell’s saving throw.

Create Thrall. When Shinare casts Summon Aberration, he can modify it so that it doesn’t require Concentration. If Shinare does so, the spell’s duration becomes 1 minute for that casting.

Thrall of the Omenblade

Shinare calls forth an aberrant spirit. It manifests in an unoccupied space that Shinare can see within 90 feet. The creature disappears when it drops to 0 Hit Points or after 1 minute. The creature is an ally to Shinare and his allies. In combat, it shares Shinare’s Initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after Shinare. It obeys Shinare’s verbal commands (no action required by Shinare). If Shinare doesn’t issue any, it takes the Dodge action and uses its movement to avoid danger.

Medium Aberration, Neutral

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 50 plus 24 Temporary Hit Points
Speed 30 feet

16 10 15 16 10 6
+3 +3 +0 +0 +2 +2 +3 +3 +0 +0 -2 -2

Immunities Psychic
Senses Darkvision 60 feet, Passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Draconic, Giant
Challenge None (XP 0; Proficiency Bonus +6)


Thrall. The first time each turn the spirit hits a creature under the effect of Shinare’s Hex, the spirit deals an extra 3 (1d6) Psychic damage to the target.

Whispering Aura. At the start of each of the spirit’s turns, the spirit emits psionic energy if it doesn’t have the Incapacitated condition. Wisdom Saving Throw: 22 DC, each creature (other than Shinare) within 5 feet of the spirit. Failure: 7 (2d6) Psychic damage.


Multiattack. The spirit makes two Psychic Slam attacks.

Psychic Slam. Melee Attack Roll: +14 to hit, reach 5 feet. Hit: 12 (1d8 + 8) Psychic damage.

Eldritch Hex. When Shinare casts Hex and chooses an ability, the target also has Disadvantage on saving throws of the chosen ability for the duration of the spell.

Gift of the Depths. Shinare can breathe underwater. Once per Long Rest, he can cast Water Breathing without expending a spell slot.

Initiative Swap. Immediately after Shinare rolls Initiative, he can swap his Initiative with the Initiative of one willing ally in the same combat. Shinare can’t make this swap if he or the ally has the Incapacitated condition.

Magical Cunning. Once per Long Rest, Shinare can perform an esoteric rite for 1 minute, regaining up to 2 expended Pact Magic spell slots.

Mystic Arcanum: Shinare’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 22, +14 to hit). He regains all expended Mystic Arcanum spells when he finishes a Long Rest. Shinare knows the following Warlock spells:
6th level (1): Eyebite
7th level (1): Forcecage
8th level (1): Befuddlement
9th level (1): True Polymorph

Pact Magic. Shinare’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 22, +14 to hit). He regains all expended spell slots when he finishes a Short or Long Rest. Shinare knows the following Warlock spells:
Cantrips (at will): Blade Ward, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, True Strike
5th level (4 slots): Armor of Agathys, Banishment, Clairvoyance, Confusion, Contact Other Plane, Counterspell, Darkness, Detect Thoughts, Dimension Door, Dispel Magic, Dissonant Whispers, Fly, Hex, Hunger of Hadar, Major Image, Mirror Image, Misty Step, Modify Memory, Phantasmal Force, Suggestion, Summon Aberration, Synaptic Static, Tasha’s Hidenous Laughter, Telekinesis, Tongues, Vampiric Touch

Pact of the Chain. Shinare knows the Find Familiar spell and can cast it as a Magic action without expending a spell slot.

Familiar of the Omenblade

“Take care to be truthful, lest my Master learns to dislike you.”

Shinare’s familiar is a sprite named Chiyabi. She is an ally to Shinare and his allies. Chiyabi rolls her own Initiative and acts on her own turn. Chiyabi can’t attack, but she can take other actions as normal.

Tiny Fey, Neutral Good

Armor Class 15; Initiative +4 (14)
Hit Points 10 (4d4)
Speed 10 feet, Fly 40 feet, Swim 40 feet

3 18 10 14 13 11
-4 -4 +4 +4 +0 +0 +2 +2 +1 +1 +0 +0

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +8
Senses Passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Challenge None (XP 0; Proficiency Bonus +2)


Familiar. When Chiyabi drops to 0 Hit Points, she disappears. Chiyabi reappears after Shinare casts the Find Familiar spell again. As a Magic action, Shinare can temporarily dismiss Chiyabi to a pocket dimension. As a Magic action while Chiyabi is temporarily dismissed, Shinare can cause her to reappear in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of Shinare. Whenever Chiyabi drops to 0 Hit Points or disappears into the pocket dimension, Chiyabi leaves behind in her space anything she was wearing or carrying.

Telepathic Connection. While Chiyabi is within 100 feet of Shinare, he can communicate with her telepathically.


Needle Sword. Melee Attack Roll: +6 to hit, reach 5 feet. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) Necrotic, Piercing, or Radiant damage.

Enchanting Bow. Ranged Attack Roll: +6 to hit, range 40/160 feet. Hit: 1 Necrotic, Piercing, or Radiant damage, and the target has the Charmed condition until the start of Chiyabi’s next turn.

Heart Sight. Charisma Saving Throw: DC 22, one creature within 5 feet Chiyabi can see. Celestials, Fiends, and Undead automatically fail the save. Failure: Chiyabi knows the target’s emotions and alignment.

Invisibility. Chiyabi casts Invisibility on herself, requiring no spell components and using Charisma as the spellcasting ability.


Telepathic Connection. Trigger: Shinare casts a spell with a range of touch within 100 feet of Chiyabi. Response: Chiyabi can deliver the touch when Shinare casts the spell.

Psychic Spells. When Shinare casts a Warlock spell that deals damage, he can change its damage type to Psychic. In addition, when Shinare casts a Warlock spell that is an Enchantment or Illusion, he can do so without Verbal or Somatic components.

Resourceful. Shinare gains Heroic Inspiration whenever he finishes a Long Rest.

Somatic Components. Shinare can perform the Somatic components of spells even when he has weapons or a Shield in one or both hands.

Thought Shield. Shinare’s thoughts can’t be read by telepathy or other means unless he allows it. Whenever a creature deals Psychic damage to Shinare, it takes the same amount of damage that Shinare takes.

Tome of Leadership and Influence (3). Shinare’s Charisma score increases by 2, as does his maximum for that score.


Devouring Blade. Shinare gains the Extra Attack feature for his pact weapon. With that feature, he can attack thrice with the weapon instead of once when he takes the Attack action on his turn.

Lifedrinker. Once per turn when Shinare hits a creature with his pact weapon, Shinare can deal an extra 3 (1d6) Necrotic, Psychic, or Radiant damage to the creature, and expend one of his Hit Point Dice to roll it and regain 5 (1d8 + 2) Hit Points.

Pact Blade. Melee Attack Roll: +14 to hit, reach 5 feet. Hit: 21 (2d6 + 14) Necrotic, Psychic, Radiant, or Slashing damage. If Shinare’s attack roll misses a creature, he can deal 5 Necrotic, Psychic, Radiant, or Slashing damage. Shinare can use the pact weapon as a Spellcasting Focus.

Pact of the Chain. When Shinare takes the Attack action, he can forgo one of his own attacks to allow his familiar to make one attack of its own with its Reaction.

Eldritch Blast. Spell Attack Roll: +14 to hit, range 120 feet. Hit: 13 (1d10 + 8) Force or Psychic damage. The spell creates four beams. Shinare can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.

True Strike. Spell Attack Roll: +14 to hit, reach 5 feet. Hit: 21 (2d6 + 14) Radiant or Slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) Radiant damage.

Vampiric Touch. Spell Attack Roll: +14 to hit, reach 5 feet. Hit: 27 (5d6) Necrotic or Psychic damage. Shinare regains 13 Hit Points. Until the spell ends, Shinare can make the attack again on each of his turns as a Magic action, targeting the same creature or a different one.


Awakened Mind. Choose one creature Shinare can see within 30 feet. Shinare and the chosen creature can communicate telepathically with each other while Shinare is within 8 miles. To understand each other, Shinare must mentally share a language. The telepathic connection lasts for 18 minutes and ends early if Shinare uses this ability to form a connection with another creature.

Clairvoyant Combatant. Wisdom Saving Throw: DC 22, when Shinare forms a telepathic bond with a creature using his Awakened Mind. Failure: The creature has Disadvantage on attack rolls against Shinare, and Shinare has Advantage on attack rolls against that creature for the duration of the bond. Once Shinare uses this feature, he can’t use it again until he finishes a Short or Long Rest unless he expends a Pact Magic spell slot (no action required) to restore his use of it.

Hew. Immediately after Shinare scores a Critical Hit with a Melee weapon or reduces a creature to 0 Hit Points with one, he can make one attack with the same weapon.

Pact of the Blade. Shinare can conjure a pact weapon in his hand. The pact weapon disappears if Shinare use this Bonus Action again, if the weapon is more than 5 feet away from him for more than 1 minute, or if he dies.

Pact of the Chain. Shinare can command his familiar to take the Attack action.

Second Wind. Shinare regains 6 (1d10 + 1) Hit Points. He can use this two times per Long Rest, and can regain one expended use when he finishes a Short Rest.

Telepathic Connection. While his familiar is within 100 feet of him, Shinare can see through the familiar’s eyes and hear what it hears until the start of Shinare’s next turn, gaining the benefits of any special senses it has.


Pact of the Chain. Trigger: Shinare’s familiar takes damage. Response: Shinare can grant it Resistance against that damage.

Reactive Spell. Trigger: A creature provokes an Opportunity Attack from Shinare. Response: Shinare can cast a spell at the creature rather than making an Opportunity Attack. The spell must have a casting time of one action and must target only that creature.

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Ladies ‘n’ Tentacles

Ladies ‘n’ Tentacles
The Rashaar in Carnevale have two things in common with Japanese hentai: sexy ladies and lots of tentacles! I am therefore compelled to design Rashaar gangs themed upon such supremacy. My prime choices for the task are Flame That Burns Underwater and Sirena. To accompany these tentacled arcane ladies are two Lesser Rhyll, whose Fear ability benefits from Sirena’s Hypnotic Aura.
Leader The Flame That Burns Underwater 30 dt
Heroes Sirena 18 dt
Henchmen Lesser Rhyll (2) 26 dt
Equipment Flashbang Grenade 1 dt

Action Life Will Command Size
3 22 5 3 50
3 3 4 5 5
Brawling Tentacles Range Evasion Damage Penetration
Stun 0″ +1
Ordinate Trident
Aquatic 2″ +1

Character Abilities:
Bulky, Fast Swimmer (3), Limited Movement, Mage (2), Water Creature

Command Abilities:
Hydra’s Gifts (PULSE Command Ability): Mutating tentacles emerge from flesh nearby. Every other character (friendly and enemy, not including this one) within 2″ loses 2 Life Points and gains +2 DEXTERITY until the end of the round.

Soul Drain (PULSE Command Ability): Make a Basic MIND Roll. The number of Aces is the number of Life Points lost by any one character (friendly or enemy) in base contact. Replenish that many Will Points.

Unique Abilities:
Brawling Tentacles: The Flame’s tentacles thrash around, hitting anyone that gets close! When making a Combat action with this weapon, roll once, and apply the roll to every character (friendly and enemy) in base contact.

Dragging Down: This character may re-roll failed dice rolls when making Drown actions.

Faction (Rashaar), Leader, Monster, Unique, Discipline (Blood Rites, Wild Magic)

Action Life Will Command Size
2 12 5 1 30
3 5 3 1 5
Unarmed Range Evasion Damage Penetration
0″ +1

Character Abilities:
Engage, Fast Swimmer (4), Mage (2), Water Creature

Command Abilities:
Hypnotic Aura (AURA Command Ability): Until the end of the round any enemy characters within 6″ of this character have -2 MIND.

Soul Drain (PULSE Command Ability): Make a Basic MIND Roll. The number of Aces is the number of Life Points lost by any one character (friendly or enemy) in base contact. Replenish that many Will Points.

Unique Abilities:
Dragging Down: This character may re-roll failed dice rolls when making Drown actions.

Faction (Rashaar), Hero, Monster, Discipline (Blood Rites, Runes of Sovereignity)

Action Life Will Command Size
2 11 4 0 30
4 4 3 3 5
Dementing Tentacles Range Evasion Damage Penetration
Aquatic, Stun 0″ -1

Character Abilities:
Fast Swimmer (1), Fear (0), Water Creature

Faction (Rashaar), Henchman, Monster

Lost Style Enthusiast

Lost Style Enthusiast

Chaotic Good. I have a strong fondness for the Archaeologist archetype. Its a bard whose hippie music abilities are substituted with chad rogue features, and retains access to versatile spells. Archaeologist’s Luck is even more wondrous with Lingering Performance. However from a mechanics prospective, Archaeologist offers nothing beyond the 18th level. For that reason I suggest starting two levels as an Aldori Defender for dueling sword and armor accessibility to ease the initial chapter.

Starting Ability Scores
Strength 10 Intelligence 12
Dexterity 18 Wisdom 10
Constitution 17 Charisma 10
Athletics 1, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Knowledge (World) 18, Lore (Nature) 1, Lore (Religion) 1, Mobility 3, Perception 20, Persuasion 20, Stealth 1, Trickery 20, Use Magic Device 20
Level Class Bonus Class Features Selected Options
1 Aldori Defender +1 Fighter Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency (Dueling Sword) Feat: Weapon Focus (Dueling Sword), Human Racial Feat: Slashing Grace (Dueling Sword), Bonus Combat Feat: Weapon Finesse
2 Aldori Defender +2 Bravery +1 Bonus Combat Feat: Aldori Dueling Mastery
3 Archaeologist +2 Bard Proficiency, Archaeologist’s Luck +1, Cantrips, Detect Magic Feat: Dodge; cure light wounds, remove fear
4 Archaeologist +3 Clever Explorer, Uncanny Dodge +1 Constitution; Bard Talent: Improved Unarmed Strike; unbreakable heart
5 Archaeologist +4 Danger Sense +1, Inspire Competence Feat: Crane Style; expeditious retreat
6 Archaeologist +5 heroism, mirror image
7 Archaeologist +5 Archaeologist’s Luck +2 Feat: Lingering Performance; cure moderate wounds
8 Archaeologist +6 Confident Explorer, Danger Sense +2, Evasion +1 Dexterity; Bard Talent: Combat Trick (Crane Wing); blur
9 Archaeologist +7 Feat: Combat Reflexes; vanish, displacement, haste
10 Archaeologist +8 communal delay poison
11 Archaeologist +8 Danger Sense +3 Feat: Crane Riposte; cure serious wounds
12 Archaeologist +9 Jack of All Trades +1 Dexterity; Bard Talent: Opportunist; sense vitals, dimension door, echolocation
13 Archaeologist +10 Archaeologist’s Luck +3 Feat: Piranha Strike; feather step, greater invisibility
14 Archaeologist +11 Danger Sense +4 freedom of movement
15 Archaeologist +11 Feat: Improved Critical (Dueling Sword); good hope, greater dispel magic, greater heroism
16 Archaeologist +12 +1 Dexterity; Bard Talent: Blinding Strike; rage, mass cure light wounds
17 Archaeologist +13 Danger Sense +5 Feat: Critical Focus; joyful rapture
18 Archaeologist +14 shield of dawn, brilliant inspiration, mass cure moderate wounds
19 Archaeologist +14 Archaeologist’s Luck +4 Feat: Toughness; remove curse, eyebite
20 Archaeologist +15 Danger Sense +6 +1 Dexterity; Bard Talent: Improved Evasion; summon monster vi
bloodhound, singing steel breastplate, headband of mental perfection +6, absolver’s cloak, great dreamer’s smile, ring of circumstances, bracers of deflection, charm of the deep waters, greater belt of perfect components, lightest touch, manticore skin boots

CGR-5A Charger

CGR-5A Charger

Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: Alshain Class 92
Power Plant: Hermes 400 Extralight Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph (108 kph with Supercharger)
Jump Jets: Lexington Ltd. Lifters
    Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: New Samarkand Kage Stealth
    4 Lord’s Light 4 Light Particle Projector Cannons
Manufacturer: Luthien Armor Works
    Primary Factory: Luthien
Communications System: Tek BattleCom with Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting and Tracking System: Dalban HiRez with Bloodhound Active Probe and C3 Slave Computer

The pursuit to redeem the much maligned Charger is an endeavor that continues to challenge the greatest military manufacturers of the Inner Sphere. An experimental concept from Luthien Armor Works, the CGR-5A retains the scout role of its original incarnation, with significant modifications for new stealth and added maneuverability. The design remains under gunned when compared to contemporary assault ‘Mechs, but its revised weapon payload enjoys six times greater range to a CGR-1A1.

Tech Base: Inner Sphere  [E/X-X-F-E]
Role: Scout
Battle Value: 1,804
Cost: 30,081,120 C-Bills

Equipment                                                                 Mass
Internal Structure:                                                         8
Engine:                              400 XL                               26.5
    Walking MP:                        5
    Running MP:                        8 [10]
    Jumping MP:                        3
Heat Sinks:                         16 [32]                                 6
Gyro:                                                                       4
Cockpit:                                                                    3
Armor Factor (Stealth):               160                                  10

                                   Internal             Armor
                                   Structure            Value
    Head                               3                  9
    Center Torso                      25                 25
    Center Torso (rear)                                   6
    L/R Torso                         17                 20
    L/R Torso (rear)                                      5
    L/R Arm                           13                 15
    L/R Leg                           17                 20

Weapons and Ammo                   Location           Critical            Mass
Light PPC                             RA                  2                 3
Light PPC                             RT                  2                 3
Bloodhound Active Probe               RT                  3                 2
Jump Jet                              RT                  1                 1
Supercharger                          CT                  2                 3
Jump Jet                              CT                  1                 1
Light PPC                             LT                  2                 3
C3 Slave Computer                     LT                  1                 1
Guardian ECM Suite                    LT                  2                1.5
Jump Jet                              LT                  1                 1
Light PPC                             LA                  2                 3
Stealth Armor                  RA/RT/RL/LT/LA/LL     2/2/2/2/2/2            -

RFR-2A Rattenfanger

RFR-2A Rattenfanger

Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: Foundation 128A
Power Plant: Pitban 320 Extralight Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 64 kph (86 kph with Supercharger)
Jump Jets: Dynamo Improved
    Jump Capacity: 180 meters
Armor: Valiant Lamellor with CASE II
    1 Poland Main Model A Gauss Rifle
    1 Defiance 1001 Extended Range Particle Projector Cannon
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries
    Primary Factory: Hesperus II
Communications System: TharHes Crystal Flower RG-2
Targeting and Tracking System: TharHes Star Shark with Bloodhound Active Probe

The Lyran notion of an 80-ton scout ‘Mech is often belittled as an unrealistic pipedream by Inner Sphere militaries. Thus initial reports of the Rattenfanger were ignored as erroneous intelligence. An assault BattleMech with a dedicated long-range sensor suite, 86 kph top speed, and 180 meter leap distance were too fanciful to accept at face value. The truth became irrefutable when opposition scout ‘Mechs were consistently lost to a Lyran reconnaissance design neigh invulnerable to other BattleMechs of the same role. Mounting an Extended Range Particle Projector Cannon and a Gauss Rifle with plentiful ammunition, the Rattenfanger outran whatever it could not outgun. At an eye watering 28 million C-Bills per unit, only the overwhelming industrial might of the Lyran Commonwealth would consider large scale procurement of such a design.

Tech Base: Inner Sphere [E/X-X-F-F]
Role: Scout
Battle Value: 2,332
Cost: 27,849,000 C-Bills

Equipment                                                                 Mass
Internal Structure:                Endo Steel                               4
Engine:                              320 XL                               11.5
    Walking MP:                        4
    Running MP:                        6 [8]
    Jumping MP:                        6
Heat Sinks:                         10 [20]                                 0
Gyro:                                                                       4
Cockpit (Torso-Mounted):                                                    4
Armor Factor:                         240                                  15
                                   Internal             Armor
                                   Structure            Value
    Head                               3                  9
    Center Torso                      23                 32
    Center Torso (rear)                                  15
    L/R Torso                         16                 22
    L/R Torso (rear)                                     12
    L/R Arm                           12                 26
    L/R Leg                           16                 32

Weapons and Ammo                   Location           Critical            Mass
ER PPC                                RA                  3                 7
Supercharger                          RT                  1                1.5
Ammo (Gauss Rifle) 8                  RT                  1                 1
3 Improved Jump Jets                  RT                  6                 6
Bloodhound Active Probe               HD                  3                 2
Ammo (Gauss Rifle) 16                 LT                  2                 2
3 Improved Jump Jets                  LT                  6                 6
Gauss Rifle                           LA                  7                15
CASE II                               LA                  1                 1